Tuesday, 20 March 2018

First contact

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First contact means the first meeting between humans and extraterrestrial life. Although govt of some countries are already in touch with the extra terrestrials but officially the day they land on Earth and interact with humans would be the day of"First Contact". But it's not that easy, since they don't wish to cause mass hysteria.They are opposed to simply showing up and impacting our development. They have much they could teach us. There is much they could do to help the sentient being we call Earth.

It's all up to Us !!

We need to remove the fear and invite them both by our actions and by our consciousness in
 order to assist our world.

Monday, 12 March 2018

There IS life after death!

This blog it's an attempt to clear all doubts and fears about life after death and related queries.

We all know life is uncertain and unpredictable, so why not make most of present moment and try to live our life to the fullest and try to be more loving, forgiving and compassionate.

Spirit World is our true home. And that's where we all go after death. It is the most beautiful place anyone can imagine. We are eternal beings born on Earth school for learning lessons and gaining experiences. I have already mentioned about this in my previous article " Purpose of Life".

But there are different levels or realms of existence there with respect to ones frequency. In Spirit world, unlike earth, where all souls stay together (good or bad), there are separate realms for each soul. For eg bad souls: Robbers, murderers, etc go to lower realms while good souls go to upper realms.

When all lessons are learnt on Earth, we either ascend and become Ascended masters and help humanity progress on their spiritual journey or we move to a different advanced planet for further experiences.

To know more about Life after death and related queries, do check my fb page"There IS life after death".


You can also check out free preview of my Kindle edition on "There is life after death" here


Looking forward to your comments on my articles and book.

Much Love n Light 🙏


Sunday, 11 March 2018

Aliens or Extra terrestrials!!

We all remember movie "ET" and the cute little being from outer space. There are lot of beliefs about extra terrestrials. Some believe they exist and some just laugh it off! But with the increased news and articles of UFO sightings around the world, we are bound to believe in their existence. And with easy access to articles, blogs, fb pages and videos of Alien interactions and landings, that were probably kept secret before, we come to know a lot about them.

Beings from other galaxies have always been in touch with people on Earth from past. We can see proof of their existence in ancient texts and inscriptions. Some of them have been very helpful while some have been malevolent and controlling.

After formation of Galactic Federation Of Light Beings, strict check has been kept on the malevolent ones to enter the Earth. The Federation's aim is to maintain law and order in the galaxies and help in a planets progress.

At this crucial moment of Earth's ascension into the Golden age or the 5 th dimension, (Kaliyuga to Satyuga)the Federation's mother ships are all lined up around our Earth's atmosphere.

They are ready to offer help during the transition, awaiting the much desired moment of "First Contact"with the Earth people and helping move humanity to a much advanced civilization.

To know more about the extra terrestrials and the Federation, do check my fb page"All about Aliens".


Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏


Saturday, 10 March 2018


Angels are incredibly pure spiritual beings of unconditional love and light.
Angels exist in a higher vibration than humanity.Everyone has angels assigned to them. One of them is your guardian angel. There are a whole group of angels ready and willing to help and guide us. We just need to ask.

By raising your vibration, we can connect and even experience them.

To know more about them and how they communicate with us, check out my Facebook page " All about Angels"


Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏



Friday, 9 March 2018

Earth Angels

Earth Angels are spiritual beings incarnated in physical form on earth to learn or heal humanity. Their mission is to bring peace, light and love to the Earth, humanity. and all beings.

Signs that you're an Earth Angel

  • You love helping people.
  • You can lift peoples energy and spirit without much effort.
  • You can't see anyone suffering
  • You avoid conflict
  • You are often day dreaming
  • You often feel different or even alienated from others.
  • Being in crowds makes you uncomfortable.
  • You look younger than you are.
  • You often have unhealthy relationships, weight issues, or addiction.
  • You are deeply protective of nature, animals and children

You can also check my Facebook page on Earth Angels

Kindle edition on Earth Angels


Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏


Thursday, 8 March 2018


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Starseeds are individuals originating from far of stars and solar systems with wisdom and special abilities ,who incarnate on earth to fulfill a specific mission ! Some are awakened to their identity and mission while some aren't! They find it difficult to fit into groups of people.They feel drawn to outer space, the stars and science fiction.

Many starseeds will experience the 11:11 synchronicity as a type of 'wake up call' to their soul purpose and mission.

A majority of starseeds have incarnated at this time to help assist earth and humanity with the Ascension process.

For more details about Starseeds, please check my Facebook page

 You can also check my kindle edition on Starseeds.

Starseeds: Beings incarnated on Earth from other Stars by [Seema, By]


Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏


Wednesday, 7 March 2018

Purpose of Life

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At some point of time, have you ever wondered what is our life purpose or why are we born? Well, you are not alone! We are all ethereal multi dimensional beings.Earth is like a school where we come to learn and experience what, our subconscious self  already know! Our primary goals are self-discovery, self-growth, self-mastery.and service to others..Service to others by utilizing the talents that are within us and sharing them with others.  By looking within, you  reconnect with your authentic soul self and realize  your soul mission.

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After we graduate from the Earth School, we become "Ascended Masters" i.e we  achieve total self-mastery and no longer need to reincarnate but that's a long call! Some feel we incarnate to balance our karma.

Some signs that show we are on our way to self mastery:

  • We feel happy and content.
  • There is abundance in our lives
  • We become more compassionate, forgiving and empathetic

We script our own life plan with the help of our guides before incarnating. but due to the veil of forgetfulness, we don't remember anything.

For more detailed info on Purpose of Life please do visit my FB page


You can also check my kindle book on this topic

Purpose of Life by [Seema, By]


Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏


Tuesday, 6 March 2018

Light worker

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Light workers are souls who are born on earth at this time to spread light, love and knowledge. They have come here to help the planet shift into higher consciousness.By raising their own vibration, they help to uplift the vibration of others, and the planet itself.
They are human beings who awaken to their higher spiritual purpose, to shine light in the world.Light worker is a term given to those who are actively on the spiritual path.
By looking within, you  reconnect with your authentic soul self and realize  your soul mission.

For more info on Lightworkers, check my FB page on Lightworkers.

Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏


What is Ascension?

Ascension is the raising of our personal energy frequency. It occurs when we bring our layers of “light” from our Spiritual Body or Multidimensional God Self down into our physical form. 

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We are in the process of mankind’s biggest consciousness shift in history. The shift from dark age or Kaliyuga to golden age or Satyuga. To be able to live our life freely and without fear.

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Here are few of the awakening symptoms you may go through:

  • Some will start seeing numbers such as 11:11 or other such recurring numbers like 1212, 444 etc.
  • The world seems brighter, more fascinating and beautiful place to them. 

  • Awakened individuals spend time in the present.

  • They feel a sense of connectedness or oneness with everything;animals and the natural world as well as human beings.

  • They feel empathetic towards others.They sense what others are experiencing.

  • They have increased spiritual perception 

  • Their psychic and spiritual abilities awaken.

To know more about Ascension, you can check my FB page - link below. I have written a book on ascension on Kindle too and other such topics. Do check out my author page on Amazon.

What is Ascension ?: 3rd to 5th Dimension by [seema, Seema]

Author page:


Facebook page:


Looking forward to your comments on my articles.

Much Love n Light 🙏


What is Spiritual awakening?

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Spiritual awakening refers to a shift in consciousness.It's reconnecting to the divine. 
Spiritual awakening; in other words means raising your level of consciousness about yourself and about the world.
 People experience spiritual awakenings in many, many ways. There are certain signs that tell you're going through a spiritual awakening:

1) The feeling that something has changed inside of you.

2) You feel the need to be alone or with new people

3) Deep sadness / compassion about the suffering in the world.

4) A deep yearning to find meaning in your life.

5) Hypersensitivity

6) Increased intuitions

7) Increase in “coincidences” and in “synchronicities

8) More awareness and attention to the food you eat

9) Changing sleep patterns

10) Loss of interest in all forms of conflict, news, media and certain relationships

11) Strong connexion to animals and nature.

It's a start of your new life.

Much love n light to all ❤

Namaste 🙏